Over the years many of our members have contacted us to let us know about their interest in history and genealogy, which we hope in some way has been inspired by the work being carried out by the Foundation and by the Centre for Scottish Studies at the University of Guelph. Nevertheless, we were surprised when early in 2024, Sheila Mary Watt, one of our longtime members, sent us a package containing a large three-ring binder containing her manuscript which turned out to be the result of many years of painstaking research into her Scottish family history — the Weirs from the Estate of Blackwood in Lanarkshire. Sheila also very kindly donated this work to the Foundation and we are pleased to announce that the resulting book has now been published.
In it, she traces the chronology of the Weirs, from Norman times through to the early 20th century, amidst a backdrop of key events which shaped Scotland's history. Sheila also provides a detailed insight into what life was like over the centuries, and how evolving traditions, laws and customs governed society. Her research into the book also unlocked a long held family secret and helped re-established connections with lost relatives:
"Digging through Scottish genealogical and legal records, I believe I now know why my mother conducted her long feud with the Edinburgh lawyers, and why there was that rift with other members of her family... But the genealogical treasure hunt and exploration of the times in which our ancestors lived became my retirement addiction; it led to this book, and valued connections with our Weir, Inglis, Lockhart and other ancestors now scattered throughout the world."
Originally from Scotland, Sheila emigrated to Canada following her marriage in 1956 and worked for thirty years as a physiotherapist in Brampton and Orangeville. She is now happily retired and is living independently in Guelph, Ontario, where she enjoys the challenges of genealogy and daily contact with her children and grandchildren. Her book is sure to act as a template for those who have been thinking about tackling the documentation of their own family history.
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